How do you test an AngularJS application?

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How do you test an AngularJS application?

Testing an AngularJS application involves using testing frameworks and libraries to test different aspects of the application such as the controllers, services, directives, and filters. The most common testing frameworks for AngularJS are Jasmine and Karma.

To test controllers, one can use the $controller service to instantiate the controller and test its methods and properties. Services and factories can be tested by injecting them into the test and invoking their methods. Directives can be tested by compiling them and checking their behavior and output.

Unit tests can be run using Karma, a test runner that runs the tests in a real browser or headless browser and generates test results. End-to-end (E2E) tests can be run using Protractor, which is built on top of WebDriverJS and is designed to test AngularJS applications.

It is important to test the application at different levels and across different scenarios to ensure that it is working as expected and to catch any bugs or errors early on in the development process.

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