Can you give an example of a time when you had to make a difficult decision?

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One example of a time when I had to make a difficult decision was during my previous role as a team leader. I was leading a team of engineers and we were working on a project that had a tight deadline and a tight budget. The project was also critical to the company's success.

During the project, we faced a situation where one of the team members had a medical emergency and had to take an extended leave. This meant that we had to reassign the work and readjust the project plan. I had to decide whether to hire a new team member, bring in a contractor or redistribute the work among the existing team members.

I had to weigh the pros and cons of each option and consider the impact on the project's timeline, budget and quality. After careful consideration, I decided to redistribute the work among the existing team members and provide additional training to ensure that they can handle the extra workload.

I also made sure to communicate the decision clearly to the team, and to provide support and resources to help them adjust to the new situation. I also established a communication plan to keep the stakeholders informed of the progress and address any concerns.

The decision turned out to be the right one as the project was completed on time and within budget. The quality of the work was also high and the stakeholders were pleased with the results.

The experience taught me the importance of considering all options, weighing the pros and cons and considering the impact on the project and team before making a difficult decision. It also taught me the importance of effective communication and support to help the team adapt to the change and continue to deliver high-quality results.

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