portmanteau word

Rumman Ansari   2023-03-05   Developer   bengali to English translation > portmanteau word   288 Share

A portmanteau word is a linguistic blend of two or more words, where parts of multiple words are combined into a new word. The new word usually combines the meanings of the original words in some way. The term "portmanteau" itself is an example of a portmanteau word, as it combines the French words "porter" (to carry) and "manteau" (coat) to create a word that describes a type of suitcase that opens into two equal sections.

Some common examples of portmanteau words include "smog" (smoke + fog), "brunch" (breakfast + lunch), "spork" (spoon + fork), "chillax" (chill + relax), and "motel" (motor + hotel). Portmanteau words are often used in language as a way to describe new concepts or ideas in a succinct way, and they can become widely accepted in the language over time.

Here are some examples of portmanteau words presented in a table:

Portmanteau Word Combination of Words Meaning
Brunch Breakfast + Lunch A meal that combines breakfast and lunch, usually eaten in late morning or early afternoon
Chocoholic Chocolate + Alcoholic A person who loves to consume chocolate or chocolate-flavored items in large quantities
Fantabulous Fantastic + Fabulous A word used to describe something that is both fantastic and fabulous
Ginormous Giant + Enormous A word used to describe something that is extremely large
Infomercial Information + Commercial A type of television advertisement that presents information about a product or service in the form of a commercial
Labradoodle Labrador + Poodle A hybrid dog breed that is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle
Netiquette Internet + Etiquette The proper way to behave online, including using proper grammar, avoiding offensive language, and respecting others
Podcast iPod + Broadcast A digital audio file or series of audio files that can be downloaded and listened to on a computer or portable device
Simulcast Simultaneous + Broadcast A live broadcast that is transmitted simultaneously by multiple broadcasters or media outlets
Smokestack Smoke + Chimney A tall, narrow chimney or structure used for emitting smoke or exhaust gases from a factory or other industrial facility

Portmanteau Word Combination of Words Meaning
Spork Spoon + Fork A utensil that combines the functions of a spoon and a fork
Staycation Stay + Vacation A vacation or holiday spent at home or nearby rather than traveling to a different location
Turtleneck Turtle + Neck A garment that covers the neck and folds over like a turtle's shell, usually a sweater or shirt
Webinar Web + Seminar A live or prerecorded presentation, lecture, or workshop that is transmitted over the internet
Workation Work + Vacation A vacation or holiday that is spent working remotely or combining work with leisure activities
Yogalates Yoga + Pilates A fitness program that combines elements of yoga and Pilates
Zoodle Zucchini + Noodle A noodle made from spiralized zucchini, often used as a low-carb alternative to traditional pasta
Brangelina Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie A celebrity couple that was popularly referred to by this portmanteau name
Brexit Britain + Exit The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union
Frenemy Friend + Enemy A person who is both a friend and an enemy, often used to describe a complicated or competitive relationship

Portmanteau Word Combination of Words Meaning
Hangry Hungry + Angry A feeling of anger or irritability that arises from being hungry
Glamping Glamorous + Camping A style of camping that includes luxurious accommodations and amenities
Mocktail Mock + Cocktail A non-alcoholic cocktail or mixed drink
Brinner Breakfast + Dinner A meal that combines elements of breakfast and dinner, usually eaten in the evening
Oxbridge Oxford + Cambridge A term used to refer to the two oldest and most prestigious universities in the United Kingdom
Affluenza Affluence + Influenza A term used to describe a condition where wealthy individuals are thought to be unable to understand the consequences of their actions due to their privileged upbringing
Edutainment Education + Entertainment A form of entertainment that aims to educate as well as entertain
Motivational Motive + Rational A term used to describe an action or thought process that is driven by a motive or reason
Sheeple Sheep + People A term used to describe individuals who are easily influenced or led by others, often used in a derogatory sense
Staycay Stay + Vacation A shortened version of staycation, referring to a vacation or holiday spent at home or nearby