If you are surrounded by toxic people

Rumman Ansari   2020-01-10   Student   Life Lesson > toxic people surrounded by us   1652 Share

If you are surrounded by toxic people

When we focus on our priorities we don't have the time to see all the drama around us, the mistakes of others, gossip, politics, negativity, etc.

The fact is that anywhere we go we are going to find toxic people, change of situation doesn't necessarily ensure freedom form such people we should certainly do what we can do positively change things around us. But when we know that we have done our best and things still remain more or less the same we should shift our focus to our priorities, our growth, our excellence and then we won't be as much affected by the negativity around us.

And if it is absolutely beyond our capacity to handle we may actually need a change knowing well that the new situation will bring fresh complexities along with them as well.

taken from Gour Gopal Das

What makes relationship fails?

My dear friend and brother, Bhakti Tirtha Swami has said, Many people today enter into relationship to complete themselves, to complete their loneliness or emptiness they think I am half a person the other is a half a person and when we come together we will complete each other, however, it should be that I am a whole person and the other person is a whole person and when we come together it is not that we get out of the relationship but what I can contribute in the relationship. A spiritual principle for relationships, particularly marriage, is to appreciate one's partner as God's beloved child entrusted in my care. To love means to serve, to love means to actually go the extra miles to make the other person feel valued and loved. Both people in a relationship need to understand this sacred ideal. It is not about one person controlling the other but rather understanding and helping each other become better versions of themselves.


taken from Radhanath Swami

Don't allow mistakes to spoil your relationships!

Isn't it a fact, that as soon as there is a provocation, or a mistake made, or a troubling situation that comes up, we very quickly forget all the good that others have or the good that others have done for us?

Gratitude is firstly about a sharp memory. The memory of all the kindness, service and good that we have received. It is then about action, reciprocation, showing our goodness by letting go of one-off-blunders that may happen and to positively continue our relationship with others.

Let us not wipe off the good that others have done unto us because of small mistakes, situations or incidents. Remember the Good!

taken from Gour Gopal Das

Follow your voice, above all the noise!

Everybody around us has an opinion to make. Everybody around us has a suggestion to offer. And most often with the best intension! But if we end up listening to what everybody else has to say we may forget to do what we what we are inspired to do. What we are meant to do. In the noise of others suggestions and opinions, don't lose your voice. Take good advice. But also learn the art of navigating through that advice to follow your own journey.

taken from Gour Gopal Das

5 advices for you

Advice c:
Do not torture, torment and burden yourself with excessive regret for your past mistakes.

Advice b:
Do not believe anything that goes against common sense, unless you have first-hand proof.

Advice c:
If you are not applying what you already know, there is no point being so intent on gaining what you do not know.


Advice 1:

Live however you want but know that you are going to die.

Advice 2:

Love whomever you want but know that you'll be separated from them.

Advice 3:

Do whatever you like but know that you'll be rewarded exactly what you've done.

Advice 4:

The nobility of a believer is his night prayer.

Advice 5:

A believer's sense of his dignity is his independence from people.


Before You Compare Yourself On Social Media

Social media has great opportunities, it can provide great benefits, but it can also create tremendous amount of insecurity and depression. one of my dear friends was telling me how he's connected to some of the very very well-known people of the world and entertainment, and how much they get depressed when they don't get enough likes, but to speak if they get dislikes. And the nature of the human psychology and you may have this experience, if you get a thousand likes but one strong dislike then your mind will be obsessed with that. If we're trying to find popularity in this way then one thing that goes wrong in one way that we're not good enough, we're not wealthy enough, we're not skilled enough, we're not popular enough, it could create havoc, So that's why finding a foundation, a foundation of inner peace within ourselves, a meaningful relationship with other people, it gives us the opportunity to be immune to the vulnerabilities of the ego. If we're making a difference a positive difference in anyone's life and that's something wonderful, that something glorious, our integrity, our character, and try our best with an inner connection brings real happiness. And then we don't have to compare ourselves to anyone. If comparison inspires us to do better then that's healthy, but if it creates a state of mind we're in, we're trying to be that person, it has no positive value. Try to understand what you have to offer to the world, what you have to offer, it's smaller big and be the best you could be. And in the love of God, and the love of the soul, in the love of our loved ones we will find the real value of our life.