How important is our family?

Rumman Ansari   2021-01-19   Student   Life Lesson > family   655 Share

Are families very important? We are born from our parents and after birth, they take care of us till we can be independent in all aspects. The Creator has programmed
it such, but today the real value of a family is lost. Of course, each family is very different and each person in the family is not the same. What we need to value are the relationships in a family.

John had parents who never bothered about him and he was practically raised in his neighbour’s house. He was fed by his neighbours, scolded by them and even taught the basics of life by them. When John became a millionaire, the first thing he did was to build a new house for the neighbours who were his mother and father in the real sense. When his parents by blood reached out to him, he responded indifferently.

While family is very important, it is genuine relationships that must be treasured and valued.

Will relationships continue after death?

What are relationships? Relationships known to man are the bondings of the body and mind. Therefore, when the body dies, the relationships come to an end. But
unfortunately, we live in ignorance that makes us believe that the relationships don't cease to exist. We have that concocted imagination that even after a person dies, the person lives somewhere in the skies and the relationships continue beyond death. If one contemplates the Truth, one will change the entire paradigm of life. Now, presume that somebody has realized that they are not the body and mind but the Soul, then in such a case, the relationship continues because one feels the Soulful connections even after death. The body has died, and there is no relationship with the body, but the Soul is immortal. Relationships between Souls last forever.