Example of post event handler of a form method X++ Language code - D365 F&O

Rumman Ansari   2024-03-15   Developer   c programming language > example   47 Share
/// Creates load based on Excel file
/// Jan 30, 2019 - Blue Horseshoe Solutions, Inc. - Mod 018 Load creation import
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
class ANSARILoadCreationService
    /// Creates load based on Excel file
    /// Location of Excel file
    /// Site to create load for
    /// Location to create load for
    /// Template for load
    /// Jan 30, 2019 - BLue Horseshoe Solutions, Inc.
    ///     - Search for item based on ItemId or NameAlias
    public void process(
        str                 _fileUrl,
        InventSiteId        _siteId,
        InventLocationId    _locationId,
        WHSLoadTemplateId   _loadTemplateId,
        ANSARIWHSASNLicensePlateId    _licensePlateId) //03/14/2024 - TCS - extsuchakraborty - BUG 255602 - CR 303 - Add license plate field for manual load creation import
        container           con, errorList;
        int                 i, curLine, purchLineNum;
        boolean             hasError = false;
        Set                 purchRecIdSet = new Set(Types::AnyType);
        PurchId             purchId, nextPurchId;
        ItemId              itemId;
        WHSLoadTable        whsLoadTable;
        WHSLoadLine         whsLoadLine;
        PurchLine           purchLine, validatePurchLine;
        PurchTable          purchTable;
        WHSShipmentTable    whsShipmentTable;
        WHSParameters       whsParameters = WHSParameters::find();
        WHSUOMStructure     whsUOMStructure; //03/14/2024 - TCS - extsuchakraborty - BUG 255602 - CR 303 - Add license plate field for manual load creation import

        // Build Header
        whsLoadTable.LoadId             = NumberSeq::newGetNum(NumberSeqReference::findReference(extendedTypeNum(WHSLoadId))).num();
        whsLoadTable.InventSiteId       = _siteId;
        whsLoadTable.InventLocationId   = _locationId;
        whsLoadTable.LoadDirection      = WHSLoadDirection::Inbound;
        whsLoadTable.LoadStatus         = WHSLoadStatus::Open;
        whsLoadTable.loadTemplateId     = _loadTemplateId;
        whsLoadTable.CarrierCode        = whsParameters.ANSARILoadCreationShippingCarrier;
        whsLoadTable.CarrierServiceCode = whsParameters.ANSARILoadCreationCarrierService;
        whsLoadTable.ModeCode           = whsParameters.ANSARILoadCreationMode;
        whsLoadTable.ANSARIEDIASNLicensePlateId = _licensePlateId; //04/12/2024 - TCS - extsuchakraborty - BUG 255602 - CR 303 - Add license plate field for manual load creation import

        // Read excel file
        System.Byte[]       byteArray;
        System.IO.Stream    stream;

        stream       = File::UseFileFromURL(_fileUrl);
        con          = this.readExcelData(stream);
        curLine      = 1;
        purchLineNum = 1;

        for (i=1; i <= conLen(con); i++)
            purchId     = conPeek(conPeek(con, curLine), 1);
            nextPurchId = conPeek(conPeek(con, curLine - 1), 1);
            itemId      = conPeek(conPeek(con, curLine), 2);
            purchTable  = PurchTable::find(purchId);

            if (PurchTable::exist(purchId))
                if (purchId != nextPurchId)
                    // Create ShipmentId
                    whsShipmentTable.ShipmentId            = whsShipmentTable.getShipmentId();
                    whsShipmentTable.LoadId                = whsLoadTable.LoadId;
                    whsShipmentTable.WorkTransType         = WHSWorkTransType::Purch;
                    whsShipmentTable.OrderNum              = purchTable.PurchId;
                    whsShipmentTable.AccountNum            = purchTable.OrderAccount;
                    whsShipmentTable.DeliveryName          = purchTable.DeliveryName;
                    whsShipmentTable.DeliveryPostalAddress = purchTable.DeliveryPostalAddress;
                    whsShipmentTable.CountryRegionISOCode  = purchTable.CountyOrigDest;
                    whsShipmentTable.DlvTermId             = purchTable.DlvTerm;
                    whsShipmentTable.InventSiteId          = _siteId;
                    whsShipmentTable.InventLocationId      = _locationId;
                    whsShipmentTable.CarrierCode           = whsLoadTable.CarrierCode;
                    whsShipmentTable.CarrierServiceCode    = whsLoadTable.CarrierServiceCode;
                    whsShipmentTable.CarrierGroupCode      = whsLoadTable.CarrierGroupCode;
                    whsShipmentTable.LoadDirection         = WHSLoadDirection::Inbound;
                    whsShipmentTable.CustomerRef           = purchTable.VendorRef;
                    //03/14/2024 - TCS - extsuchakraborty - BUG 255602 - CR 303 - Add license plate field for manual load creation import - START
                    whsUOMStructure.LoadId                 = whsShipmentTable.LoadId;
                    whsUOMStructure.ShipmentId             = whsShipmentTable.ShipmentId;
                    whsUOMStructure.Module                 = WHSModule::Purch;
                    whsUOMStructure.LicensePlateId         = _licensePlateId;
                    //03/14/2024 - TCS - extsuchakraborty - BUG 255602 - CR 303 - Add license plate field for manual load creation import - END

                InventTable inventTable;

                // Search for item based on ItemId or Search Name
                select firstonly ItemId from inventTable
                    where inventTable.ItemId == itemId
                    exists join validatePurchLine
                        where validatePurchLine.PurchId == purchTable.PurchId
                        &&    validatePurchLine.ItemId  == inventTable.ItemId;

                if (!inventTable.ItemId)
                    select firstonly ItemId from inventTable
                        where inventTable.NameAlias == itemId
                        exists join validatePurchLine
                            where validatePurchLine.PurchId == purchTable.PurchId
                            &&    validatePurchLine.ItemId  == inventTable.ItemId;

                    if (inventTable.ItemId)
                        itemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                        errorList += strFmt("@ANSARI:LoadPOError" + '\n', purchId, itemId);
                        hasError = true;

                select firstonly purchLine
                    where purchLine.PurchId == purchId
                    &&    purchLine.ItemId  == itemId;
                if (!purchRecIdSet.in(purchLine.RecId))
                    // Build load lines
                    whsLoadLine.LoadId          = whsLoadTable.LoadId;
                    whsLoadLine.InventTransType = InventTransType::Purch;
                    whsLoadLine.LoadDirection   = WHSLoadDirection::Inbound;
                    whsLoadLine.OrderNum        = purchLine.PurchId;
                    whsLoadLine.ItemId          = purchLine.ItemId;
                    whsLoadLine.Qty             = conPeek(conPeek(con, curLine), 3);
                    whsLoadLine.UOM             = conPeek(conPeek(con, curLine), 4);
                    whsLoadLine.PackingQty      = WHSInventTable::getDefaultPackingQty(whsLoadLine.ItemId, purchLine.InventDimId);
                    whsLoadLine.ShipmentId      = whsShipmentTable.ShipmentId;

                if (curLine == i)

                throw error(strFmt("@ANSARI:LoadPOError", purchId, itemId));

        if (hasError == true)
            container shipments = whsLoadTable.getShipmentIds();

            if (shipments != conNull())
                info(con2Str(errorList, '\n'));

                throw error(con2Str(errorList, '\n'));

        info(strFmt("@ANSARI:LoadCreated", whsLoadTable.LoadId));


    /// Reads data from Excel sheet
    /// Stream of Excel file
    /// Two dimensional container hold Excel data
    /// Jan 30, 2019 - BLue Horseshoe Solutions, Inc. - Mod 018 Load creation import
    public container readExcelData(System.IO.Stream     _stream)
        OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet worksheet;
        OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage   package = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(_stream);
        int                          iRowCount,iCellCount;
        anytype                      anyData;
        container                    conRow,ret;
        WHSParameters                whsParameters = WHSParameters::find();
            if (package)
                worksheet  = package.get_Workbook().get_Worksheets().Copy(whsParameters.ANSARILoadExcelSheet, whsParameters.ANSARILoadExcelJournal);
                var cells  = worksheet.get_Cells();
                iRowCount  = worksheet.get_Dimension().get_End().get_Row();
                iCellCount = worksheet.get_Dimension().get_End().get_Column();

                // Start at row 2 to allow for headers in Excel
                for (int i=2;i<=iRowCount;i++)
                    conRow = conNull();

                    for (int j=1;j<=iCellCount;j++)
                        anyData= cells.get_Item(i, j).get_Value();

                        if (!anyData && j ==1)

                        if (anyData)
                            conRow += anyData;

                            conRow += "";

                    if (conRow)
                        conRow += iRowCount;

                        ret = conIns(ret,i,conRow);
        catch (Exception::CLRError)
            throw error("@SYS135884");

        return ret;


class ANSARIInventTransRegisterFormEventHandler
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args"></param>
    [PostHandlerFor(formStr(InventTransRegister), formMethodStr(InventTransRegister, autoTmpCreate))]
    public static void InventTransRegister_Post_autoTmpCreate(XppPrePostArgs args)
        FormRun form = args.getThis();
        FormDataSource                      tmpInventDim_DS = form.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(InventTransRegister, TmpInventDim)) as FormDataSource;
        FormDataSource                      inventTransOriginMovement_DS = form.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(InventTransRegister, InventTransOriginMovement)) as FormDataSource;
        InventDim                           inventDim = tmpInventDim_DS.cursor();
        InventTransOrigin                   inventTransOrigin = inventTransOriginMovement_DS.cursor();
        SalesTable salesTable;
        SalesLine salesLine;
        ReturnReasonCode returnReasonCode;
        ReturnReasonCodeGroup returnReasonCodeGroup;
        str licensePlateId;
        select firstonly salesTable where salesTable.SalesId == inventTransOrigin.ReferenceId;
        select firstonly returnReasonCode where returnReasonCode.ReasonCodeId == salesTable.ReturnReasonCodeId;
        select firstonly returnReasonCodeGroup where returnReasonCodeGroup.ReasonCodeGroupId == returnReasonCode.ReasonCodeGroupId;
        select firstonly LineNum from salesLine where salesLine.SalesId == inventTransOrigin.ReferenceId && salesLine.InventTransId == inventTransOrigin.InventTransId ;
        LineNum lineNum = salesLine.LineNum;   
        if(returnReasonCodeGroup.ANSARIAllowAutoGenLicensePlate == NoYes::Yes){
            if(salesTable.ANSARIClaimNumber != "")
                licensePlateId = salesTable.ReturnItemNum+"_"+salesTable.ANSARIClaimNumber+"_"+int2Str(real2int(lineNum));
                licensePlateId = salesTable.ReturnItemNum+"_"+strDel(salesTable.ReturnItemNum, 1, 3)+"_"+int2Str(real2int(lineNum));

        inventDim.LicensePlateId  = licensePlateId;

